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Monday, March 31, 2025 at 5:11 PM

Letters to the Editor

If you get your national news from other than the “lamestream media” your might be aware of how some school boards silencing parents’ criticisms of teaching perverse sex education as well as CRT and Transgender grooming. It is happening across the country in left wing dominated districts. Boards and Superintendents have gone as far as engaging the FBI and labeling parents as “terrorists”, for speaking out.

Dear Editor,

If you get your national news from other than the “lamestream media” your might be aware of how some school boards silencing parents’ criticisms of teaching perverse sex education as well as CRT and Transgender grooming. It is happening across the country in left wing dominated districts. Boards and Superintendents have gone as far as engaging the FBI and labeling parents as “terrorists”, for speaking out.

Last week I attended the second, in a series of “Meet the Candidate” forums at the Nesbitt Library. Former Mayor Duane Dungen served as facilitator. Everyone running in the current CISD school board election was invited, as well as other county school districts.

I was disappointed, though not surprised that none of the incumbent CISD board members on the ballot showed up or responded. One person on the ballot seeking a first term, showed up to talk with us and answer our questions about his plans and goals. I take offense to any elected official who refuses to talk publicly to their constituents. I would hope that local school board members would be above playing the politics game. Sadly, that’s exactly what this looked like.

In the last few years I have seen the CISD board distance itself from the community. Not long ago, Columbus citizens were easily able communicate with their elected board members and expect their values and concerns to be acted upon. Not any more- unless you are part of small special interest groups who willingly follow along and agree with the board and superintendent.

In the last couple years, extremely onerous ( and possibly illegal) obstacles have been put in place to discourage citizens from even addressing the school board at meetings.

This idea of separation is being pushed by the government education industry and their lobbyists.

A couple years ago, when the girls softball complex was announced, a group of citizens in the neighborhood wanted to meet with a long time board member, to discuss some concerns. I was asked to contact the board member to set up the meet. The board member refused, saying that “we have been told not to meet with citizens like that”, by TASB. TASB is the private lobbying group that represents school boards and is believed to have a very “left wing bias”.

In the most recent failed school bond election, it was found that the district claimed it needed to borrow money, to be able to pay our teachers what they are worth in the market. The bond failed, not because voters don’t think our teachers deserve more money. If failed because of the lack of transparency and forthrightness on the part of the board and superintendent, playing the games that politicians do... That- was a result of worsening communication. We’ve lost a lot of good teachers.

I have 4 kids that graduated CISD. All of them tell me they would never come back here and send their kids to CISD. That really saddens me. I think this is common now. We need to get our schools back to the basics of being outstanding institutions of learning and building citizens.

If board members cannot be bothered to meet with citizens publicly, I cannot be bothered to vote for them.

I will vote, and encourage all of you to vote. There are 3 names on the ballot. I will cast ONE vote and ONLY one vote. No incumbent will receive my vote. I encourage you all to do the same.

ONE voter- ONE vote- REELECT

Early voting starts the 24th.

Election day is May 6. SHOW UP!

Chris Christensen


Colorado County Citizen