The Weimar VFW Auxiliary to Post 5875 met for its regular meeting on Tuesday, March 11 with 8 members present. The meeting was opened according to the Ritual by President Charlene Muras.
Correspondence was read regarding a gift for out-going Department President Irma Solis, a questionnaire and information about the next district meeting on April 5 in Yorktown.
There are currently 13 annual members and 24 life members for a total of 37 members.
Jeanette Koenig reported that there were nine veterans, seven residents and three Auxiliary members present at the Men’s Coffee at Parkview on February 21.
In addition, she mailed coupons for veterans overseas, she and Charlene Muras presented certificates of appreciation and flag etiquette programs to Weimar Elementary and St. Michael schools on February 27, she and Charlene Muras participated in Read Across America on March 7 at and at the end of March she will present a certification of appreciation to Weimar High School when she is there to collect art contest entries.
Kathy Hudec, Pam Marshall and Charlene Muras worked at the food pantry on February 27. At the VFW drivethrough dinner on Sunday, April 6, the Auxiliary will also have a bake sale. Members are asked to bring cakes, cookies, etc. packaged and priced to sell.
Charlene Muras reminded members to vote in the upcoming city elections. There will be a Buddy Poppy Drive at the Memorial Day VFW drive-through dinner on May 25.
Elections will be held at the Auxiliary meeting in April. Members will also work a Buddy Poppy Drive at locations in Weimar on Saturday, May 24 prior to the drivethrough dinner on May 25.
Koenig for the Good of the Order listed the following patriotic days: Thursday, March 13 - US Army Canine Corp, Monday, March 24 Kosovo War, Saturday, March 29-Vietnam War Memorial Day, Monday, March 31-Somolia Operation, and Saturday, April 5-Gold Star Spouses Day.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 8, at 6:00 p.m. at the Weimar VFW Hall kitchen.