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Friday, March 21, 2025 at 12:52 PM

Looking back in time

Looking back in time
MARCH 9, 1950

Lookin g bac k in time


Thieves strike Loessin’s 2nd time in month Thieves hit Loessin’s Implement Co. In Weimar last week for the second time in less than a month.

Taken in the latest theft the night of March 6 were 11 new chain saws still in their crates, 3 chains saws completely assembled with bars and chains, 2 hydraulic jacks, 100 feet of plastic-coated chain, a battery charger, 10 to 12 pairs of work gloves and some tools.

Total value of the stolen items was $3,400.

The sheriff’s office said the employes discovered the burglary when they found 2 adding machines sitting on the dirt floor of the warehouse at the north end of Loessin’s buildng.

32nd FFA show slated The Columbus Chapter of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) will stage its 32nd annual livestock and poultry project show at Memorial Park Arena Friday night.

Columbus FFA members will offer at auction 10 calves, 26 lambs, 39 hogs, 8 pens of capons, 4 pens of turkeys and 19 pens of fryers, a total of 106 projects.

Judging of projects will get underway at 9 a.m. Friday with judging of beef calves, followed by sheep judging at 9:30 a.m. poultry at 10 a.m. and hogs at

10:30 a.m.

Deputies probe death of woman possibly killed Two surveyors working in an area off Calhoun Road southwest of Eagle Lake last week found the body of an elderly woman.

The victim was identified tentatively as Hattie Crowder, 77, of Matthews and Elm Grove.

She had been reported missing for about two months.

The surveyors, employed by the M.L. Randall Exploration Co. Of Houston, found the body on a road that dead ends at an irrigation canal.


Power dam project making progress

Dr. A.S. McDaniel of San Antonio was in the city last Friday and Saturday looking after details connected with the power dam project at this place.

Industries of this section have been asked to signify their intention to obtain power from the hydraulic plant and several agreements have been secured.

Those who expect to finance this gigantic enterprise have asked the promoters to secure these agreements in order to indicate the sentiment of the people of this section, and as evidence of the possibilities of local demand for a cheap power.

The agreement carries the provision that the power so furnished will be cheaper to the user than he can create the power himself.

Bear reported killed in Wharton County Mr. Northington of Egypt, Wharton County, was in the city Sunday and was telling the boys about having killed a large black bear in the Wharton flat bottoms last week.

He was hunting with others and they found a black bear in a thicket of bushes. Firing upon him the bear was wounded in the shoulder but in the fight, one of the dogs was killed and another badly crippled, but the bear was taken. He weighted three hundred and fifty pounds.

This is the first bear story that has been told in this section in recent years.

Lamar Kenedy hurt in auto wreck Mrs. Dora Kennedy was called to LaGrange Sunday afternoon on account of an auto accident in which her son, Lamar, was badly injured. He was riding on the LaGrange Brenham road Saturday night when the car in which he and three other boys were riding collided with another car.

Lamar’s leg was broken and he received bad bruises.

MARCH 9, 1899
MARCH 13, 1975
MARCH 12, 1925


Colorado County Citizen