In the matter of the estate of Gerion H. Nelson, deceased, application muniment of title, filed Feb. 19.
In the matter of the estate of Charles H. Sams, deceased, application/ lt-indep, filed Feb. 21.
In the matter of the estate of Charlotte Sylvest- O’Dowd, deceased, small estate proceeding, filed Feb. 24.
In the matter of the estate of Beadie Otheal Means, deceased, application/ lt-indep, filed Feb. 25.
In the matter of the estate of Kathleen Garner Blaschke, deceased, application/lt-indep, filed Feb. 26.
In the matter of the estate of Billy Wayne Brown, deceased, application muniment of title, filed Feb. 26.
In the matter of the estate of James Louis Vackar, deceased, application/ lt-indep, filed Feb. 28.
Ticia Sly, driving while intoxicated, filed Feb. 21.
Kailer David Jackson, violation bond/protective order, filed Feb. 26.
Samuel Ray Shaver, assault causing bodily injury family violence, filed Feb. 26.
Carlos Andrew Paschall, criminal trespass, filed Feb. 26.
Michael Sterling Mead, driving while intoxicated, filed Feb. 26.
Phillip Ray Alvarez Jr., theft property >=$750<$2,500, filed Feb. 26.
Jonathan Strom Doubrava, terroristic threat of Family/Household, filed Feb. 26.
Dora Lara vs. Michelle Smidovec, protective order, filed Feb. 19.
State of Texas vs. Elizabeth Marie Ferrel; Connie’s Bail Bond, bond forfeiture, filed Feb. 19.
State of Texas vs. Latisia Padron Baldera, bond forfeiture, filed Feb. 19.
State of Texas vs. Rodrigo Alfredo Parillas Ramirez, bond forfeiture, filed Feb. 25.
Luis Enrique Mendoza Pizano and Arianna Prisca Dominguez, iss. Feb. 18.
Hector Casas Hernandez and Maria Isabel Martinez Sanchez, iss. Feb. 19.
Kyle Raymond Lynn Fox and Courtney Michelle Sampson, iss. Feb. 21.
Ryder Layne McGuffin and Heidi VI Phuong Do, iss. Feb. 24.
Orvil Romo Ruvalcaba and Teresa DeJesus Martinez, iss. Feb. 24.
Paul Anthony Heffley and Courtney Alexandria Wied, iss. Feb. 26.
Jesus Daniel Estanga Chaves and Yuleisis Del Valle Marin Salmeron, iss. Feb. 27.
Kevin Peter Hudman and Stephanie Smith Morton, iss. Feb. 28.
Sammie Gutierrez and Laura Marie Watson, iss. Feb. 28.
WYP Investments LLC to Mikenna Gabler and Misael Rocha Patina, warranty deed with vendors lien, lts 11 & 12, blk 32, Town of Sheridan, Book 1085, filed 267, filed Feb. 3.
Golden Oak Ranch LLC to Mary Akinyi Opar, special warranty deed with vendors lien, 11.000 acres, Peter Piper Survey, Book 1085, Page 347, filed Feb. 3.
Loren Cook and Brenda Cook to Weimar Plaza LLC, warranty deed, 26.0481 acres, Michael Andrews Survey, Book 1085, Page 440, filed Feb. 5.
Faustino Castillo and Janie Castillo to Samuel Patick Moore and Charlotte Nicole Moore, general warranty deed with vendors lien, various tracts, P Reels Survey, et al, Book 1085, Page 459, filed Feb. 5.
Ronny Daley and David Jessee to Lonny Daley and Linda Faye Daley, general warranty deed, various tracts, John Gillespie Survey, et al, Book 1085, Page 527, filed Feb. 5.
W&M Land & Cattle LLC to Kevin W Hoffman and Alyson B Hoffman, warranty deed with vendors lien, 592.185 acres, Clement C Dyer Survey, et al, Book 1085, Page 541, filed Feb. 5.
Lonny Daley and Linda Faye Daley to Ronny Daley, general warranty deed, various traits, John Gillespie Survey, et al, Book 1085, Page 561, filed Feb. 6.
David Hamer to Windsor Chase LLC, warranty deed with vendors lien, tr 5, 10.100 acres, Patrick Reels Survey, Book 1085, Page 587, filed Feb. 6.
Richard C Riassetto to Mason Neisner, general warranty deed, 0.211 acre, pt lt 14, Legion Add, City of Columbus, Book 1085, Page 613, filed Feb. 6.
Charlotte Ann Henneke Sacco and Jonathan Pual Henneke to Jeffrey Paul Henneke, general warranty deed, 11.00 acres, Peter Piper League, Book 1085, Page 640, filed Feb. 7.
David Kennedy and Laura Kennedy to Jacquelyn P Fox, special warranty deed, lt 4, blk 26, City of Weimar, Book 1085, Page 648, filed Feb. 7.
Jacquelyn P Fox to David Kennedy and Laura Kennedy, special warranty deed w/ life estate, lt 4, blk 26, City of Weimar, Book 1085, Page 651, filed Feb. 7.
Martin Soria to Lesma Rodriguez, warranty deed, lt 4, blk 1, HM Johnson Add, City fo Eagle Lake, Book 1085, Page 690, filed Feb. 7.
Cordale Kohleffel to Cody Kohleffel, warranty deed, 5 acres, Wells Thompson Survey, et al, Book 1085, Page 715, filed Feb. 7.
Melissa Diane Stowers and Jesse Scott Stowers to Sabrina A Oliver, general warranty deed, 0.445 acres, blk 48, City of Columbus, Book 1085, Page 718, filed Feb. 7.
LK Pop Holdings LLC to LK Pop Re Holdings LLC, special warranty deed, 0.913 acre, E Tumlinson League, Book 1085, Page 749, filed Feb. 7.
John Knesek, Jami L Smith, Darren K House, James D House, Shannon K Berry, Douglas Michael Berry, and Donald Jean Houser to Blake Knesek and Phyllis Knesek, warranty deed, 6.441 acres, W David Survey, Book 1085, Page 754, filed Feb. 7.
Marjorie B Rogers to Muleshoe Equipment Rental LLC, warranty deed, 27.896 acres, James Cummins Survey, Book 1085, Page 764, filed Feb. 7.
James Richard Thompson, Debra McCoy Thompson, Bobby Glen Thompson, Cristeen Gaudi Thompson, Helen Diane Hervieux and Philip Glenn Hervieux to Henry L Beken, general warranty deed, 89.405 acres, H Austin Survey, Book 1085, Page 784, filed Feb. 7.
Glen M Cason and Kimberly J Cason to W&M Land & Cattle LLC, warranty deed with vendors lien, various tracts, T Cartwright Survey, et al, Book 1085, Page 829, filed Feb. 7.
Diana Marie Boehm to Briggs Boehm, general warranty gift deed, 20 acres, Peter Pieper Headright League, Book 1085, Page 853, filed Feb. 7.