The Community Garden Guild of Eagle Lake visited the Eagle Lake Noon Lions Club at their recent meeting on Thursday, Feb. 27.
The Lions Club learned that Civic clubs like the first Eagle Lake Garden Club was organized in 1935. The current Community Garden Guild of Eagle Lake, formed in 1985, has this focus: to provide volunteer services to maintain, restore, and improve the gardens, trees, and grounds in Eagle Lake and to stimulate interest in gardening by providing educational programs and local civic events.
The Community Garden Guild is responsible for the landscaping and maintenance of beds at City Hall, the Gazebo by the swimming pool, Harrison Park near the Dairy Queen, and The Point across from Bucees.
Their major fundraiser is the Christmas Homes Tour, held every two years. Four homes, a local church, plus a Tea Room are decorated in their holiday finest and are available for visitors from Eagle Lake and the surrounding communities to tour. Mark your calendars now for the Community Garden Guild of Eagle Lake Christmas Tour on Saturday, Dec. 6.