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Monday, March 3, 2025 at 1:44 PM

Looking back in time

Looking back in time
FEB. 27, 1975

Lookin g bac k in time


Houston girl hurt in auto wreck here

Miss Leola Fnd sustained a broken limb in an automobile accident at the North bridge last Friday evening, and other occupants of the car were painfully bruised when the big Buick Six touring car of Mrs. E.C. Find of New Ulm, turned over and rolled down the bank of the south approach to the bridge.

Miss Find had been called home from Houston where she holds a responible and lucrative position with the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company, by the serious illness of her mother.

It being too late to catch the Katy train, she came out on the Southern Pacific to this city and had the car meet her here.

Work begins on new school building 

Ground was broken for the erection of the new school building last Friday and work is progressing rapidly on the construction.

Contractor Evans has a force of some forty men excavating, making forms, pouring concrete and handling material and the premises present a scene of activity and hustle. Mr. D.E. Chase of Houston is foreman of the outfit and is so coordinating h’s forces that the work is going on smoothly and rapidly.

The big basement excavation for the heating unit is about completed and will be floored and walled this week. Foundations are being set with four feet square bases resting upon a solid clay formation.

Glidden boy injured

Lester, the nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Box of Glidden was found in an unconscious condition in the horse lot at his home last Friday, with a bad gash in the face and several teeth missing.

Five stitches were taken to close the wound when he was carried to a Columbus physician for treatment.

It is supposed that he was playing in the lot and one of the horses kicked him. Latest reports are that he is on the road to recovery.


Sheriff’s Office in big shakeup

Major changes in personnel rocked the Colorado County jail last week. Here’s what happened: Mr and Mrs. Bill Raabe, jailer and matron, were fire by Sheriff Doc Mueller. No official explanation was given for their dismissal.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Broussard, who worked here in 1972 and 1973, were hired to succeed the Rabbes effective March 1. Chief Deputy Bill Esterling resigned, effective Feb. 28.

Mueller’s Statement. Mueller issued this statement to the press: “Mr and Mrs. Bill Raabe have been relieved of their duties at the jail and will be replaced by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Broussard in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Broussard worked for me before and I am glad that they are coming back.

“Mr. Esterling saw fit to resign due to his arrangement. I hate to see Mr. Esterling leave. I am very pleased with his work. I think he has been working too hard and needs a rest.”

Baby boom on way?

A new baby boom appears to be in the offing in Colorado County. That is what is forecast for the rest of the 70’s.

The indications are that there will be a marked increase in the number of births, locally and in most other areas of the country, during the next few years, despite the fact that women in general still plan to have smaller families than their parents and grandparents had.

The expectations of bigger baby crops is based upon the sharp increase in the number of marriages now taking place.

That is due, in turn, to the avalanche of young men and women, born between 1950 and 1955, when birth rates were at record high, who are no reaching marital age and setting up their own households.

Tax deductions in county will average $2,850 

For residents of Colorado County, does the cost of local government run higher or lower than it does for people in other communities?

How much is spent locally, per capita, for all municipal and county operations and for all special services? How large is the local debt compared with the average in other areas?

A voluminous new report just released by the Census Bureau sheds light on these matters. It is based upon a detailed study of local finances, gathered from every county in the United States.

The study, entitled Government Finances, is the first made since fiscal 1967. They are conducted every 5 years.

FEB. 23, 1899
FEB. 23, 1950
FEB. 26, 1925


Colorado County Citizen