The Coastal Prairie Conservancy is pleased to announce an upcoming interim funding deadline for an additional round of land management funding under both the Texas Coastal Prairie Initiative ( TCPI) and the Texas Grasslands and Savannas Initiative (TGSI).
This funding is available for private landowners/ producers who own natural or agricultural lands in eligible counties across Texas, including Austin, Brazoria, Calhoun, Chambers, Colorado, DeWitt, Fayette, Fort Bend, Galveston, Gonzales, Grimes, Harris, Jackson, Lavaca, Matagorda, Montgomery, Victoria, Waller, Washington, and Wharton counties.
Landowners/producers can apply for funding to support Habitat Management Practices, including brush control, prescribed fire, cattle cross-fencing, and other beneficial practices that promote healthy ecosystems and improve wildlife habitat.
To begin the appl ication process, landowners/ producers should indicate their interest by emailing info@coastalprairieconservancy. org, and they will be connected to a partner for pre-screening to determine eligibility by Feb. 17. If eligible, applications will be due to the National Resources Conservation Service by Feb. 29.
For more details on the application process, including access to the Prescreening Worksheet, please visit our website at prairiepartner. org or contact the Coastal Prairie Conservancy at info@ coastalprairieconservancy. org.