The turn of every New Year brings about an inner motivation that seems to be sparked by a desire to change circumstances. New Years’ resolutions are the byproduct of that desire.
You feel fat? You set a goal to lose weight or get fit. Struggling to fund the lifestyle you want? You set a goal to pick up a side hustle or learn new skills to incorporate or pivot into a new role. You have a dream that hasn’t been accomplished? You tell yourself to set aside X number of hours every day to work towards that goal until it has come into fruition.
How many of these resolutions make it through the first thirty days of each year, let alone the first week?
Human beings are creatures of adaptability and resilience, or so we think. I lose track of how many resolutions I have set forth for myself just to discard one day because I simply “didn’t feel like it.”
Why do we feel that the start of a New Year should bring forth a substantial amount of inner change? If we wanted to implement new habits into our lives, is it necessary to wait until one day, at the beginning of every year, to spark that change?
If you wanted to lose weight, or know that you need to, why don’t you just do it? Why do we give ourselves a “starting point” for change that should begin the moment we are aware of what we want to do differently?
I myself am guilty of waiting until an “appropriate” moment in time, but the thing is, there is no appropriate moment for anything. If you want to do something, then just do it. If a New Years resolution helps in the motivation to accomplish your goals, then so be it.
Like the wise John Trusler said, there is “no time like the present, a thousand unforeseen circumstances may interrupt you at a future time.”
So here is to a new year and new you. Here is to a new year and the same you.
At the end of the day, your destiny is in your own hands at any given moment in time.