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Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 4:00 AM

State Soil and Water Conservation Board releases 2023 annual report

The Nonpoint Source Pollution Management in Texas – 2023 Annual Report is a jointly published report by the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. This report is a culmination of the State’s efforts to ensure and improve the quality of water in Texas. The 2023 report highlights annual load reductions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment, and includes success stories achieved in various waterbodies across the state.
State Soil and Water Conservation Board releases 2023 annual report

The Nonpoint Source Pollution Management in Texas – 2023 Annual Report is a jointly published report by the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. This report is a culmination of the State’s efforts to ensure and improve the quality of water in Texas. The 2023 report highlights annual load reductions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment, and includes success stories achieved in various waterbodies across the state.

Each year, Congress appropriates federal funds to States through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the Clean Water Act §319(h) Nonpoint Source Grant Program. These funds are used to administer and implement the Texas Nonpoint Source Management Program, and in order to continue receiving these federal funds, the State of Texas must report annually on successes in achieving the goals and objectives of the Program.

Efforts during fiscal year 2023 focused on collecting data, assessing water quality, and implementing projects to prevent or reduce the effects of nonpoint source pollution as well as educating the public.

Many local, regional, state, and federal agencies play an integral part in managing nonpoint source pollution, especially at the watershed level. By coordinating with these partners to share information and resources and to develop and implement strategies together, the State can more effectively focus its water quality protection and restoration efforts.

The report is available for download at https://tsswcb.texas.gov/sites/default/files/files/programs/nonpoint-source-managment/NPS%20Annual%20Report_2023-Final.pdf For more information about the report, Nonpoint Source Pollution Management in Texas – 2023 Annual Report, please contact Jana Lloyd at 254-773-2250 or [email protected].


Colorado County Citizen