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Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 4:27 AM

Friends of the Weimar Library promote healthy life habits

Exercise is necessary for people to stay healthy.
Friends of the Weimar Library promote healthy life habits

Exercise is necessary for people to stay healthy.

The Friends of the Weimar Public Library and Colorado County AgriLife are offering a new way to get involved, improve health and have fun.

A program called Walk Across Texas focuses on teams who record walking miles to compete with other teams of walkers.

Did you know that if one were to walk an aggregate 832 miles, they would have essentially walked across Texas?

The Walk Across Texas program is designed to help us be more active in a teambased approach. The goal of the program is simple. Participants create or join a team of up to 8 people who work together towards the goal of virtually walking across Texas. Teams often consist of neighborhood groups or coworkers.

Friends of the Weimar Public Library is encouraging church groups, clubs, organizations, businesses, teachers, hospital/clinic/caregivers, banks etc. to create their teams and join in a competition that can help establish the habit of regular physical activity and a fun, flexible way to exercise.

In addition to walking, each team member’s favorite physical activity can also be logged as “miles walked.”

For instance, 30 minutes of moderate intensity aerobics equals 1.5 miles walked. A convenient, simple method of converting activity minutes to miles is provided to participants.

Ready to take the challenge? Grab your friends, family, co-workers and get started by calling the Weimar Public Library at 979-725- 6608.


Colorado County Citizen