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Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 4:40 AM

St. Nicholas Ministry: caring & compassion at Christmas

The ecumenical St. Nicholas Ministry has helped thousands of needy individuals and families in tri-county area of Colorado, Fayette and Lavaca Counties over its 36-year history. This ministry identifies and assists those who are struggling, like needy children, their families and the elderly by providing gifts such as boxes of food, new toys, blankets/quilts and other items during the Christmas season.
St. Nicholas Ministry: caring & compassion at Christmas
Pictured are Pastor Herb Beyer and Msgr. John Peters with a large number of youth in the community who've brought gifts for needy children. Courtesy photo

The ecumenical St. Nicholas Ministry has helped thousands of needy individuals and families in tri-county area of Colorado, Fayette and Lavaca Counties over its 36-year history. This ministry identifies and assists those who are struggling, like needy children, their families and the elderly by providing gifts such as boxes of food, new toys, blankets/quilts and other items during the Christmas season.

The St. Nicholas Ministry, established in 1988 in Lavaca County, expanded in 2013 to include families in Colorado County. In 2018, St. Nicholas received support from persons in Fayette County and began assisting families in that county as well. Area churches, parochial and public schools, businesses like Dollar General, Wal-Mart, and Brookshire Brothers as well as others in various communities have placed Christmas decorated boxes for the St. Nicholas Ministry at their entrances for persons to donate non-perishable food, and other necessary items and gifts for needy families.

Be sure to ask about the St. Nicholas Box.

Businesses like Hoffer’s Drive-In Grocery, Morton’s Drive-In & Diane’s Diner, and Beauty Boutique in the Hallettsville community have donation jars to receive monetary gifts.

Those who benefit from the St. Nicholas donations cannot self-refer. Individuals or families must be referred by staff members who know the situation of the people involved, staff with area churches, schools, and recognized charitable agencies.

Adults who assisted the ministry as children often bring their own children to assist with the St. Nicholas holiday charity.

People who have benefitted in the past also return their services on occasion to help the less fortunate.

Pastor Beyer, its founder and coordinator, was inspired as a teen by the story of a young college student, Louise Locker, attending Trinity University in his hometown of San Antonio who began the Elf Louise Project.

“As a teenager, I saw what one person could do to make a difference in the lives of others, in the lives of those families that simply didn’t have a Christmas,” Pastor Beyer said, “And then reading again and again in the gospels about Jesus who reached out to the poor and needy, and His blessing of children, along with the story of the historical figure of St. Nicholas, a group came together to begin the St. Nicholas Ministry.”

“With all the troubling things going on in our nation and around the world, the St. Nicholas Ministry is a way to lift up the spirits of folks who are having a tough time, and to let them know there are people who care,” Pastor Beyer said.

“We are grateful for the many volunteers and donors who make the St.

Nicholas Ministry possible, who have given of themselves, their time and energy. The many giving people are a people of good heart and good soul. People hear and see the prominent words in the Advent-Christmas season—JOY, PEACE, LOVE and HOPE. The St. Nicholas Ministry makes those words real in the lives of needy families of our various communities.”

Monetary donations to needed items can be sent to: FAITH—St.

Nicholas Ministry, P.O. Box 216, Weimar, Texas 78962.

Checks should be made payable to FAITH—ST.

NICHOLAS FUND (for Colorado and Fayette Counties’ recipients).

For more information, contact Pastor Beyer, Tri-County Cooperative Ministries, ELCA at 361798-0155 or [email protected], or Sandy Pesak 979-249-7121 or sandykayp@ mailto:[email protected] hotmail.com.

Anyone needing assistance must have a referral form on file for this year’s distribution and filled out by staff at an area church, school, food pantry, or one of the recognized charitable agencies in Colorado and Fayette counties. Referrals are due by Nov. 27.

Gifts will be distributed in December at the site of Faith Lutheran Church, 615 South Eagle, Weimar to families who have an approved referral form on file for this year. Recipients will be notified of the date and time. Donors or organizations wanting to drop off food, toys and other items at the site, can contact Pastor Beyer or Sandy Pesak to make arrangements.

