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Monday, March 31, 2025 at 5:15 PM


Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

A couple months ago, Mayor Gobert read a Proclamation that decreed June to be Pride Month in support of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and + community. ( LGBTQ +) It was then signed and affixed with the Official Seal of the City of Columbus.

That proclamation, given to her but nor written by her had many errors in it. She agreed to ask the newspaper who reported on it for a correction.

When I last spoke with the Citizen, the editor had not heard from the mayor a month later. I realize the mayor must be pretty busy, so I’ll help out here to correct the record.

The proclamation claims, deceptively, that the City joins the Colorado county in observing Pride month. That was not true. In fact I was told at the County courthouse that the proclamation was offered to Commissioners Court and was rejected. Naturally, the writer of the proclamation sought to get some extra level of legitimacy it did not have or deserve. That is misleading.

The City Council members were not made aware of the proclamation before the meeting, and were not given the chance to vote on it. I think that was on purpose. Those I have spoken with said it was a total surprise. Such a divisive action would be difficult to get through a vote of Council, and cause unnecessary controversy and expose the fallacy of such a declaration.

Included in the Proclamation are several fundamental altruism concerning civil rights, which apply to all Americans such as everyone being born free and equal. The inference we are to draw from this is that those persons are somehow victims. They may be, but if so they are victims of their own making.

The Bible has over a dozen references to “pride” and they are all accompanied by warnings, admonition, and condemnation. So, it is no surprise to me that the group would choose “Pride” as their reason to publicly talk about their private sexual practices and preferences. In fact it may be appropriate, in their minds.

The “Pride” movement has tried to appropriate the “Rainbow”, as their banner. The written history of the rainbow for Christians and Jews is of a promise from God to never destroy the earth by flood again. That Biblical promise has nothing to do with what it refers to elsewhere as immoral or abominable behavior.

The sexual activity of consenting adults the privacy of their own homes, is not something I need to know about it. This seems to be the position of everyone I have spoken with about it.

Attempting to legitimize and publicize what most consider to be immoral sexual is outside the scope of any government body and their duties, and I believe a mis use of government resources.

Let’s hope that business persons and families thinking of locating to Columbus missed that issue of the local paper and the City Council minutes.

Chris Christensen,



Colorado County Citizen