The Weimar Lions installed officers for 2023/2024 at their club meeting on June 20. The lions said Vance Elliott, past district governor, was in charge of the officer installation. Pictured, from left, are (bottom row) Michael Blackburn, new Weimar Lions president, John Hunsicker, treasurer, Reuben Otto, Lion tamer, Greg Howlett, director three, Larry “Bear” Kana, immediate past president and Lions’ international coordinator; (back row) Greg Mills, tail twister, Allan Gilbertson, director two, Allen Bellamy, second vice president, Vance Elliott, past district governor, Raymond Prihoda, first vice president, and Julius Bartek, director one. Not pictured: Mark Dannemiller, secretary and communications chair, and Charlie Herzik, membership chairman. Courtesy | David Kocian